Rocío Pire González | Redizel • Online Marketing Agency Online Marketing Agency Tue, 18 Oct 2022 18:25:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rocío Pire González | Redizel • Online Marketing Agency 32 32 11 benefits of social media marketing for small business Wed, 21 Sep 2022 16:16:57 +0000 Why do you think social media is essential for your business? Well, believe it or not 3.48 billion people around the globe have already made social media as part of their lives. For that reason, to reach your potential customer where they are and make your brand to be known, you need to be there too. And if you aren’t convinced yet…we made a list of the most important benefits of Social Media Marketing for small business. We are sure after that, you will want to use them. Let ‘s begin…

Brand recognition

When you have an interesting presence on social media, it makes it easier for both potential customers to find and connect with your brand. Furthermore, your business has a big opportunity to reach a significant number of new eyes and audiences.

Branding commitment

We could say social media is one of the best tools to join in conversation and engage with their customers. Moreover, when you follow a proper and consistent strategy, these interactions pave the way for brand commitment much more quickly than any other marketing strategy.

More website traffic

If you want to attract inbound traffic to your website, Social Media is going to be the best choice to do that. Every social account you have is a potential and effective path to your site. Moreover, each post you make there is going to be a new opportunity to provide value and give to your follower a reason to visit your website, which can result in more leads and conversions in the future.

Customer understanding

If you didn’t know you can you can get a high amount of customer data generated by all the active users on Social Media nowadays. Through social listening and engaging with your audience, you are able to learn more about who your customers are, which are their interests and hobbies and what they think about your brand. Furthermore, you can get information about your competitors and your industry and all these, clearly, are going to help you engage your followers more effectively with your advertising, messaging and content.

Customer experience

One of the most important benefits of social media marketing is that it gives your customer another way to get to know and connect with your brand. In fact, when they have a question or something goes wrong, customers really appreciate having the option of connecting on social media with the brands they engage with.
and sales.

Business lead generation and sales.

Most of the time, social media can be a really powerful tool for generating business leads and moving them through the buying cycle. By combining different marketing strategies, social media marketing can make it possible to expand your reach, attract more leads and convert them into sales in the future.

Campaigns through different channels.

Despite the impact that Social Media has on its own, it usually becomes more powerful and effective when you can make it part of your other marketing initiatives and strategies. For that reason, social media messages support and reinforce your communication on other channels and provide you another useful opportunity to reach your audience wherever they are.

Bran Humanization

Another benefit of Social Media Marketing is that it helps you to connect with your followers and potential customers and show the human side of your company. So that, it’s so important to check which brand values you want to communicate and if you are really looking out for the best interests of your customers and employees. Once you do that, you will create a real human connection with your audience.

Align with influencers

Aligning your brand with people who have a large following on social media and can draw the attention of that following to your company, is amazing. Therefore, once you get more and more people talking about your product or service on social media, you will build brand awareness and credibility more quickly, and set yourself up for more sales.

Social Media advertising

Some of the best ways to promote your business and distribute content are Social Media Ads, because you can reach the right audience and get incredible results in a short time, making the most of your budget. Moreover, you can choose between different ads targeting options and craft specific messages only paid for the exact viewers to want to reach.

Social Media analytics

Social Media it’s not going to help you only to increase your audience, but also it will help you to check your brand’s impact on your social media activities, from follows to engagements right through to purchases. For that reason, you will need to see your metrics continuously on your social media profiles and in your Google Analytics to see if your conversions and ROI are going on.

In short, as you can see, Social Media Marketing creates many and different opportunities for your business.

Moreover, when it’s done correctly and consistently, it’s sure it will increase your brand authority and trustworthiness in any overpopulated marketplace.

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Utiliza las redes sociales como estrategia para crecer tu marca de tu negocio Fri, 18 Mar 2022 21:17:00 +0000 No importa por cuál etapa esté pasando una startup, todo propietario o dueño de una empresa que recién comienza querrá aumentar su audiencia en las redes sociales … Y la razón es clara…Porque utilizar a las redes sociales como estrategia de marketing hará que aumente significativamente la cantidad de clientes potenciales para tu negocio, mejorando así su lanzamiento y sus futuras ventas.

Pero ¿Ya sabes cuáles son los pasos para hacer crecer la audiencia en las redes sociales de una startup de manera adecuada y en poco tiempo? Afortunadamente, decidimos hacer una lista de 15 consejos para implementar estas estrategias de marketing en las tres redes sociales más conocidas de hoy en día…Así es que ponte cómodo, prepara un café y empieza a leer…

Perfiles y páginas sociales efectivas y atractivas

Para hacer crecer la audiencia en cualquier red social, es muy importante crear perfiles y páginas sólidas y efectivas para las cuentas sociales que posea la empresa. Más aún, deberás incluir fotos de perfil y un logotipo de marca atractivo, sin olvidar además, otros datos como el enlace de tu sitio web, las características de la empresa, su ubicación.
Luego, deberás compartir algunas actualizaciones en el feed (al menos diez) antes de comenzar la búsqueda para construir una audiencia efectiva. Esto, lo creas o no, le dará a tus clientes potenciales el impulso para seguirte.

Utiliza contenido de calidad

Por más que tu startup esté dando sus primeros pasos, será conveniente que comiences a utilizar a tus redes sociales como estrategia de marketing compartiendo contenido de buena calidad e interesante para quienes lo van a leer. Por ejemplo, un blog de la empresa, videos, podcasts, entre otros.

Crea contactos interesantes

Como todos sabemos, la mayoría de las redes sociales tienen la capacidad de ponernos en contacto con personas que ya conocemos. Por eso es muy recomendable que las aproveches y trates de crear los contactos más interesantes que puedas, como compañeros de trabajo, dueños de otras empresas de tu misma industria e incluso personas de tu competencia.

Agregue enlaces y botones en tu sitio web para compartir en redes sociales

Esta estrategia es realmente importante, especialmente cuando está comenzando a hacer crecer tu negocio y tu audiencia en las redes sociales. Por lo tanto, deberá agregar un pequeño ícono cuadrado o circular de red social en su sitio web (encabezado, pie de página o barra lateral). Además, también puedes agregar los botones oficiales para cada red en tu sitio web para que los visitantes compartan tus publicaciones nuevas y más recientes.

Agregue enlaces de tus principales cuentas sociales en los correos electrónicos y newsletters

Una de las cosas que debes considerar a la hora de implementar a las redes sociales como estrategia de marketing, es que todos los clientes potenciales con los que te comuniques por correo electrónico o newsletter deben conocer tu startup. Es por ello que, agregar los enlaces e iconos de tus principales redes sociales al final del mensaje, es primordial.

Promociona tus cuentas sociales con la audiencia que ya tienes

Pedir a los miembros de tu red social que además, se conecten contigo y te sigan otra es también una muy buena idea. Más aún, puede resultar una estrategia de marketing realmente efectiva.

Interactúe con tu público objetivo de Twitter

Hoy en día, una de las redes sociales más fuertes que permite seguir hasta 6.000 personas es Twitter. Entonces, una vez que intentes seguir a tu público objetivo en las redes sociales, comienza a chatear con ellos y responda a todas esas publicaciones diferentes e interesantes que veas. Además, si tienes un presupuesto publicitario, probar la publicidad en Twitter también podría significar una gran idea, ya que alentará a tu público objetivo a seguirlo.

Sigue a otras personas interesantes en Twitter

Puedes encontrar a tu público objetivo buscando aquellos hashtags que más se usan cuando se realizan publicaciones en Instagram. Luego, una vez los encuentres, sigue a a tus clientes objetivo e interactúa con ellos, respondiendo a sus fotos y videos que aparecen en el feed. Más aún, si compartes contenido interesante en tu red social, deberás usar esos mismos hashtags, para que tu audiencia haga click para seguirte.

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Increase your company’s sales by making new business leads Thu, 10 Jun 2021 22:29:00 +0000 Many successful startups owners are always looking to expand their customer base and grow their businesses. However, as we all know it can be a complicated and long- term process, unless we have access to a steady stream of sales leads. That’s why generate real business leads can be one of the solutions to improve your company performance.

But… let’s start defining what is a business lead 

A lead is any person who shows interest in a company’s product or service. Furthermore, there are different types of leads depending on how they are qualified and what lifecycle stage they are in. 

Marketing Qualified Lead 

These types of leads are contacts who have engaged with your marketing company’s efforts but aren’t prepared to receive any sales call yet. 

Sales Qualified Lead 

Sales Qualified lead are those who have already taken actions which indicates their interest in becoming a potential paying customer. Filling out a form to ask a question about a product or service could be an example in this case,

Product Qualified Lead 

When we are referring to a Product Qualified Leads we are talking about contacts who have already used the product of your company. We realised they are interested in becoming a paying customer because they have taken action that proved that.

Service Qualified Lead

These kinds of customers have already indicated to your service team that they’re interested in becoming a paying customer. For example, when a customer wants to change a free version of a service to a premium one

The purpose of generate business leads

Why do you think you need a good business lead generation? The answer is very simple. Because you need to warm up potential customers to your business and get them on the path to eventually making a good purchase. Moreover, when you attract your target audience and initiate a relationship with them, you make them convert into leads for your sales of your company. 

How the business leads generation works

Well, it’s not so complicated, if that you were thinking. 

In the first stage, a potential customer discovers your business through one of your marketing channels (a blog, social media page, newsletter, etc) and one of your lead generation strategies. 

Then, that visitor clicks on an image, button, message (known as a Call to Action or CTA) which is going to take him to a landing page, which consists on a web page designed to capture lead information in exchange for a special and attractive offer, such as a course, an ebook, a gift. 

After that, in the last and most important stage, your target customer fills out a form to get that valuable offer. And that moment is when you got it…at this point, believe it or not, you have already generated a new business lead!

So, as you can see it’s not so difficult. Moreover, now that you know how to create your business leads step by step, what are you waiting for to follow them?

Top benefits of Email Marketing for any kind of business Mon, 05 Oct 2020 16:35:00 +0000 No matter the size of your company or startup, every spent on marketing must be worth it and ensure the increase of your sales. Moreover, whatever marketing strategies you decide to use, they must always help you to reach out to your customers and build your brand’s reputation. But, what about Email Marketing? Are you including it in your marketing strategies? …If you aren’t sure to do it yet, here we leave you a list of the main benefits of Email Marketing for any kind of business.

Create your own original content

With email marketing, you can create individualized and personalized content based on your target audience, which allows you to send the right email to the correct potential customers. Moreover, you are able to send an email marketing campaign to returning customers and a different one to one-time customers, if it’s necessary.

Increasing your sales

If you want to improve the sales of your company, then you should consider using email marketing as another excellent marketing tool . Because it doesn’t only help you to encourage your customers to purchase after abandoning their cart, but also allows you to deliver them special offers. Moreover, more and more startup owners affirm email marketing has become one of the biggest sources of ROI in the last few years.

Improving the relationship with your audience

As a startup or company owner, it’s really important you consider improving the relationship with your audience, and so your communication with them. Because, when your customers know they can talk to you, they are more likely to become loyal to your brand. Plus, they may even add it in their favourite brands’ list in the future.

email marketing benefits

Generating more website traffic

When you produce great content in your email marketing campaigns with call to action buttons and links that connect to your website, you will be sending traffic and also improving its SEO. Furthermore, you will be keeping your audience engaged not only with your brand but also, with your site.

Generating cost-effective campaigns

We could say email marketing campaigns are one of the most cost- effective and powerful campaigns in the last few years. They don’t take long to produce and you will only need a copywriter and a graphic designer to create them. Moreover, it’s said they can generally add more value than other traditional campaigns, even when customers aren’t making a purchase. So that, you are more likely to produce a higher ROI in the future.

Making your own media and contacts list

Generating a followers or contact s list owned by the social media platform isn’t enough. That’s why it is so demanding to have an email marketing list on hand. Moreover, with this contact list you could even interact with your audience regardless of the email provider or your social media account.

Improving customer’s feedback

Keeping an email marketing strategy in your company can be very valuable if you want customers to continue to interact, engage, and purchase from your brand. For example, sending satisfaction surveys to obtain customer feedback through email personalized campaigns can be a useful and interesting technique to do this. Moreover, taking into account your customers’ opinions, you are able to find out that percentage who are brand ambassadors and the ones who are detractors in order to come up with wise strategies to improve your customer experience.

Increasing your business leads.

If you are looking forward to improving your sales at the same time you are wanting to increase the leads of your business and improve your conversions, then sure email marketing is going to be the perfect marketing tool for you. Plus, email marketing campaigns are more likely to qualify leads so your sales team won’t be wasting their time on the bad ones.

Having your self-promotion space

With email marketing campaigns, you will always have an interesting space to promote yourself, since you can send emails about new products,features and benefits, or justo new content from your website. Moreover, your customers will be anxious to hear from you, so this self – promotion isn’t going to be unwanted or disruptive at all.

In short, no matter if you have a large company or just only a startup, Email Marketing can offer you plenty of benefits for your business.

Moreover, it’s considered as one of the top ways to increase leads and improve sales.

Besides, it doesn’t require too much experience, because you can create professional email marketing campaigns quickly without worrying about marketing details. So…what are you waiting for making Email Marketing as part of your business life?

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Aumenta tus ventas creando nuevos clientes potenciales de negocios Wed, 30 Sep 2020 18:04:00 +0000

Muchos propietarios exitosos de startups continuamente buscan expandir su cartera de clientes y hacer crecer sus negocios. Sin embargo, como todos sabemos, este puede ser un proceso complicado y de largo plazo, a menos que tengamos acceso a un flujo constante de oportunidades de ventas. Es por ello que generar verdaderos clientes potenciales para tu negocio puede ser una de las soluciones para mejorar el desempeño de tu empresa.

Pero…Comencemos por definir qué es un cliente potencial de negocios

Un cliente potencial de negocios es cualquier persona que muestra interés en el producto o servicio de una empresa. Además, existen diferentes tipos de clientes potenciales dependiendo de cómo están calificados y en qué etapa del ciclo de venta se encuentran.

Clientes potenciales calificados de marketing

Estos tipos de consumidores potenciales son contactos que se han comprometido con los esfuerzos de marketing llevados a cabo por tu empresa, pero que aún no están preparados para recibir llamadas de ventas.

Clientes potenciales calificados de ventas

Los clientes potenciales calificados de ventas son aquellos que ya han tomado medidas que indican su interés por convertirse en clientes potenciales de pago. Un ejemplo podría ser, cuando completan un formulario para hacer una pregunta sobre un producto o servicio.

Clientes potenciales calificados de producto

Cuando nos referimos a clientes potenciales calificados de producto, nos estamos refiriendo a aquellos contacto que ya han probado el producto de tu empresa. Te darás cuenta que están interesados ​​en convertirse en clientes vitalicios de pago porque ya han tomado acciones que lo demuestran.

Clientes potenciales calificados de servicio

Al igual que en el caso anterior, este tipo de consumidores ya le han indicado a tu empresa que están interesados ​​en el servicio que ofreces y que están por convertirse en clientes de pago. Por ejemplo, cuando desean cambiar una versión gratuita de un servicio por otra premium.

El propósito de generar consumidores potenciales de negocios

¿Por qué crees que necesitas una buena generación de clientes potenciales para tu negocio? La respuesta es muy simple. Porque tienes que acercarte a aquellos futuros y posibles consumidores, y encaminarlos para que finalmente hagan una buena compra. Además, una vez que atraes a tu público objetivo e inicias una relación cercana con ellos, haces que se conviertan en clientes vitalicios de tu empresa.

Cómo funciona la generación de clientes potenciales

Bueno, no es tan complicado, si eso es lo que estabas pensando. En la primera etapa, un consumidor potencial descubre tu negocio a través de uno de tus canales de marketing (un blog, página de redes sociales, boletín informativo, etc.) y una de tus estrategias de generación de leads.

Luego, ese visitante hace clic en una imagen, botón, mensaje (conocido como llamado a la acción o CTA) que lo llevará a una página de destino, la cual consiste en una página web diseñada para capturar la información de los consumidores potenciales, a cambio de una oferta especial y atractiva, como un curso, un libro electrónico, un regalo.

Más adelante, en la última y más importante etapa, ese cliente objetivo llena un formulario para obtener esa valiosa oferta y en este momento, es cuando ya lo tienes… ¡A esta instancia, lo creas o no, ya has generado una nuevo cliente potencial para tu negocio!

Como ya ves no es tan difícil. Más aún, ahora que ya sabes cuáles son los pasos a seguir para crear clientes potenciales para tu negocio ¿Qué estás esperando para llevarlos a cabo?

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